Sunday, September 19, 2010

Euro Fashion vs. American Fashion

The fashion in Spain is refreshingly formal! I am fascinated by a culture’s fashion and dress and am so happy to find an edgy fashion scene here! I adore European fashion. My idea of European fashion is a wardrobe of classy well tailored dark colored clothes, and lot of layering!
I definitely see a difference between European fashion ads in magazines and those in the U.S. I’ve noticed European ads are more edgy. Fashion designers and respective advertisements take more risks with edgy concepts and clothing designs. I have also noticed that the models are more edgy in their poses and hair and makeup. The show more controversial poses and compositions of the models in the ads in European magazines, for example two models kissing or half naked models arranged suggestively. The U.S. media and fashion gurus alike perceive European fashion as more cutting edge, and perfectly tailored, than American designers and fashion. I would say American designers and companies, along with their advertisement agendas, aim to appeal to a more expansive audience through commercial clothes and concepts. Americans as a whole dress according to what the newest fad is, whereas Europeans dress choice is what is more timeless and stylish. Madrid is one of the major fashion capitals in the world, and I am so inspired by European fashion and manner!
Now that I have been living here, I definitely see what my Mom and friends were talking about when they said Europeans dress more properly. Walking down the streets, I see everyone from old grannies dressed up in pearls, heels and full hair and makeup to little babies dressed like they are porcelain dolls. There have been days when my roommate and I see babies dressed better and fancier than us! I have never seen such primped babies in my life! At home, it is normal for people my generation to dress casually, jeans and t-shirt kind of gear. I find it very impressive that girls here dedicate so much time and effort to dress up, wearing heels and full hair and makeup daily! One Sunday I wore a tank top and yoga pants to Starbucks to study, and I can tell you I never make that mistake again after the looks I got! It just shows how much more formal the Spaniards are not only with dress but with their formal etiquette. I really appreciate the way Spaniards dress up and carry themselves. That is another difference I have seen; Europeans are more conscious of the way they wear their clothes. I do think that it is a sign of respect and good manners to be put together and look good. It has been quite an adjustment for me and my friends, but I do plan on following the “Spanish dress code.”

Based on my analysis, guess which ads are Euro vs. American!

1 comment:

  1. If it's OK with you, I'll show this and ask the class when we cover Advertising.
